Thursday 3 November 2016


You don't have to act on your feelings.
Sometimes, acting on our emotions doesn’t
serve us, and the thoughts wrapped up in these
feelings are inaccurate. For instance, after being
rejected romantically, you feel unlovable. You
may even interpret this as a cold, hard fact. If
you let this feeling rule your behavior, you
might stop taking care of yourself or seeking
supportive relationships.
What’s more helpful is to acknowledge how
you’re feeling and explore the accuracy of your
thoughts. In the above example, while “this
emotion may feel understandable,” it’s also not
true, Taitz said.
In other words, you can choose whether you’re
going to act on your emotions. When acting is
unhelpful, you can notice your emotions (and
thoughts) “with distance and perspective.”
In other examples, you acknowledge that you
feel anxious about taking a test or taking a trip,
but you do both, anyway. You acknowledge
feeling angry, because you had a bad day, but
you decide to act with kindness to your spouse.
You’re upset with yourself for making a mistake,
but you don’t punish yourself by declining a
dinner date with a loved

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