on’y Worry About The Future – It’s The Easiest Way to Get What You Want In Life
Worry does nothing. but steal your joy and keep you very busy doing nothing.Unknown
I’ve always worried about everything. I don’t know exactly when being
caught up with the future became a natural state for me, but eventually
it did. Every now and then I found myself living in the past, wondering
how things would’ve been if I would have made different choices.
When I did something I enjoyed or was with someone important to me I
was always afraid of how I would feel when things came to an end.
I was never truly present, and thinking about what might
happen in the future consumed my energy and sucked the joy out of each
moment. I wasn’t able to appreciate my everyday life.
It took some time for me to understand where the key to happiness
lies, and how wrong my future-centered thinking habits were. It’s
definitely worth not worrying or dreaming about the future and just
living for the moment, because only in the present will you find pure
joy and fulfillment, free from fear.
- Why do I believe enjoying each moment is a learnable skill and the most required to get what you want in life?
1. The future doesn’t exist
Everyone wants to be happy, but no matter how many people you ask
what happiness really means, you’ll get just as many different
Many of us, including me in a not too distant past think: “one day when
this and that happens, I will finally be happy”, like happiness lies
only in the future.
When you are here but prefer to be there the present shrinks into
just a rung of a ladder reaching upward to achieve something more. You
forget to live.
In our imagination the future is always different – at its worst it
can make you worry but it can also get you fired up. Both states are
just a product of your imagination; they don’t really exist and can only
bring fear or disappointment. These thoughts can cause us to get worked
up and upset.
In fact, we are complete, and all we need and can have in life is in the here and now, because nothing else really exists.
2. What we worry about probably won’t happen
I realize that most of the things I worried about rarely actually
happened. And if they did the outcome was usually positive or wasn’t
nearly as bad as I’d imagined. Worrying is just an unnecessary habit
which only drains your life energy.
You should make separate realistic plans of how to get what you want,
including potential risks, to avoid irrational worrying. To achieve
your goals you need to realistically measure your potential, taking into
account any setbacks that may occur. However, being prepared for what
might happen and constructive worry are two different things.
When you start worrying, ask yourself a few questions: Is it actually
possible for the worst-case scenario to happen? If yes, is it really
life-threatening? What am I missing in the present moment?
You’ll probably realize that NOW you don’t need more than what you
have. In the present, there isn’t any time, so there are no problems.
Don’t let your mind tell you any different.
Focus on what you HAVE, instead of focusing on what you think is missing.
3. If you can’t appreciate now you won’t appreciate tomorrow
If you won’t learn to be happy now, you’ll be unhappy in the future.
Thinking about the future (or for some people: about the past) is a hard
habit to break. Without working on self-development you may struggle to
achieve happiness, even if you get what you think you want out of life.
When you worry about the future you withdraw from all of the great
things around you. When your mind is somewhere else and your brain is
full of negative thoughts, you aren’t able to appreciate the beauty of
simple things, the importance of conversing with another person and the
miracle of being alive.
4. With a free mind you make better decisions
When you live in the present moment you can listen deeper to your
inner self. Your mind becomes clear and you can focus on solutions much
better than when your brained is clouded by fear. You can focus on the
life situations and issues you currently face the way they really are,
not on potential scenarios that might happen.
We don’t need to worry about avoiding bad things. Most problems only
require common sense, and other problems that we have no influence over
aren’t worth worrying about anyway. The more energy you save giving your
mind a rest, the better outcome you’ll have if one of those bad
scenarios really comes true.
5. Your mind eats what you’ve cooked for it
Your inner world can be tumultuous, but it’s up to you to control the
storm. Thai people call it mind cooking, which means that every thought
you have is an ingredient for your mind. Every single thought you have
has an impact on you and the world around you!
When you worry about the future you create bad energy, which
influences you and the people around you, putting everybody in a sullen
mood. They say “merry go lucky” for a reason; happy people seem to have
more luck. Worrying has the opposite effect; by creating bad scenarios
in your head, you attract bad things to you.
Enjoying every single moment is learnable skill. But just like riding
a bike or playing piano it requires practice. Try not thinking about
your past of future for a day. Simply observe things around you. Look at
everything, including nature’s greatest wonder: your own mind.
99 Facts that Guys should know about Girls
What do Girls Like in Guys
Wondering what ideal type of a guy that girls want? Don’t worry we got you covered and here are the facts:
1. Girls try to hint at what they want from guys, they don’t like to say it.
Girls like holding hands. A guys girlfriend wants to be the only hand
that he wants to hold. Even in public, it means you’re protecting her
and proud of her.
3. Girls love surprises and gifts especially
during important occasions. A girl may expect something from her
boyfriend but that doesn’t mean he just loves the material things that
come with the relationship. It just means you remember her.
Girls like it when guys ask advice from them. This action just shows
that you trust her, and that she’s someone you can count on.
5. If a girl likes a certain item of clothing that her boyfriend wears, he should wear it more.
6. Girls like guys who can protect her.
7. If a girl really wants to be with a guy, she’ll make sure it happens.
Girls don’t like too flirty guys. Flirting with a lot of girls simply
means you’re not a one-woman-man; remember that actions speak louder all
the time.
9. Be protective, but not too much. She likes it when you care for her, but not to the point of choking her at times.
Girls want to feel that your proud of having them. They may not tell
you but sometimes they want you to show them off to your family and
11. Knowing her likes and dislikes is cool for her.
This means that you are that interested to get to know her better and to
make ways to make her happy.
12. Girls love romantic guys. Kiss her under the rain and in front of your family and friends, it’s not that hard.
Interesting Psychological Facts About Love
Men are more attracted to women who possess a bone structure that
resembles that of their mothers. This is known as “sexual imprinting”;
which is a term coined by researchers.
- A strong sense of humor is generally associated with intelligence
and honesty. This is why most women are attracted to men who possess a
strong sense of humor.
- If you hold hands with someone you love, this can help to alleviate physical pain as well as any feelings of stress and fear.
- Studies have shown that happiness is contagious. It can be hard for
people to walk away from someone who is happy, or not love someone who
is happy simply because they are so enjoyable to be around.
- Women felt that men became more attractive if they saw other women smiling at them.
- People are most likely to break up once they have hit the three to five month period in their relationships.
- Men who possess deeper voices are more likely to appear attractive
or make an impression on women than men who possess higher voices.
- According to some psychologist, human beings are not capable of being “just friends” with members of the opposite sex.
- The act of falling in love is known to have a calming effect on a person’s body and mind. This, in turn, will raise levels of nerve growth for about a year.
- Apparently, it will only take up to 4 minutes to decide whether you
like someone or not. As such, if you want to make a good impression on
someone, you have only got around 4 minutes to do so. Getting and
keeping someone’s attention and attraction is believed to have more to
do with body language and tone and speed of your voice rather than
things that you actually say.
- When two people who love each other look into each other’s eyes,
then their heart rates synchronize with each other. Studies have shown
that couples who are in love are so bonded that after three minutes of
looking into each other’s eyes, their heart rates will synch up with
each other.
- Falling in love is known to pact the same neurological effects as
cocaine. Both falling in love and taking a dose of cocaine will give
your brain similar feelings and sensation of euphoria. Falling in love
produces several euphoria-inducing chemicals in your body that will
stimulate about 12 areas of an individual’s brain.
- If you love cuddling, then you will be happy to know that cuddling
is known to release natural painkillers. When two people embrace or
cuddle, their brains release oxytocin, which is a cuddle hormone.
Oxytocin appears in a person’s brain, and their ovaries and testicles
are also involved in this bonding process. Oxytocin helps to decrease
headaches and can help pain go away for up to 4 hours. So if you are
feeling tired, stressed, or in pain – cuddling is a great alternative to
any painkillers.
looking at a picture of a loved one can help relieve pain. It has been
shown that the presence of a loved one can help a sick person or
patient’s improvement, but so can a picture. In a study conducted among
people who were experiencing pain, participants were shown pictures of
their loved ones and word games. For those who were shown pictures,
their pain was reduced significantly more than participants who were
shown the word game as an alternative.
- Individuals who appear similar and at the same level of
attractiveness are more likely to end up together than people who look
significantly different. Many social researchers indicate that there is
a pattern in how people chose their mates or romantic relationships.
This is demonstrated through a Matching Hypothesis, which indicates that
people are more attracted to others who share a similar attraction
level with them.
- Couples or partners who are similar to each other are not likely to
last in romantic relationships. Although opposites attract, couples
that are either too similar or too different are not likely to last very
long. According to researchers, there always have to be a strong
foundation for similarities, as well as things that both individuals can
learn from each other.
- Heartbreak is real. Research has shown that intense or traumatic
events, such as break ups, divorce, physical distance, or the loss of a
loved one can contribute to real physical pain in a person’s heart.
This is an actual condition known as the Broken Heart Syndrome. Broken
Heart Syndrome occurs when deep emotional triggers cause distress in the
brain and significantly weaken a person’s heart, causing such symptoms
as chest pain or shortness of breath. This tends to affect women more
than men, and can easily be misdiagnosed as a heart attack.
- Individuals who are in love have chemical similarities in line with
people who have OCD. Research has shown that couples who are in an
early stage of love possess lower levels of serotonin, which is
associated with happiness and well-being, and higher levels of corisol,
which is associated with stress. These levels are very similar to
people who suffer from OCD, otherwise known as Obsessive-compulsive
disorder. This can explain why we feel, act, or present ourselves in
ways out of character when we fall in love with someone.
- People generally prefer an attractive face over an attractive body
when it comes to long-term relationships. However, when people are
looking for a fling, the body will win over the face on the basis of
physical attraction.
- The simple act of expressing gratitude towards people whom you love will generate an immediate spike in happiness.
- The expression of having butterflies in your stomach is a real
feeling that is caused by an adrenaline rush. When and if you fall for
someone, it will probably be hard to avoid the feeling of butterflies
dancing and fluttering around in your stomach. This happens as a body’s
response to a fight-or-flight situation.
- Be careful who you look at, because if you look into a stranger’s
eyes, you can fall in love. Our eyes are the windows to our souls, so
it comes as no surprise that by simply looking at someone, even if you
do not know them, you can fall for them. By gazing or looking at
someone, your body will produce phenylethylamine, a chemical that is
associated with the body’s fight-or-flight response.