Eyewitnesses, guard speaks on Pete’s bar Incident, absolves club owner of Killing Kehinde Adeleke in Ibadan
All what people have been saying against this man is totally false... He can't do such thing like they he's nice man wonderful man cool man indeed... He always stay out of trouble and he's a smart man indeed .. He's a family oriented man.. He's a friend man he help people whenever you seek for his help.... He's a sexy and handsome man.... He can't kill a ant talk less of woman being... Let just sit our self and think about this issue... This case is just to blackmail him.. They know he's a victory man a man of ambition, motivation, he played whenever it's time for him to play and he did not joke with his work have never seen a man like that... He loves all his works and his customers he doesn't joke with his customers he treat them right because he believes customers are always right just like a proverb said.... He's popular man due his work most people love and care for him due to his behavior.. He's a nice Man wonderful man....theallegation of murder leveled againstthe club owner Seyi, popularly known as (Fatherluski ) by the deceased twin brother known has Taiwo Adeleke, is totally a false.. The security guard (Alade Samuel) who speaks on behalf of his boss (Fatherluski )says it was around 8:00 pm when Damola and another customer were fighting over parking lot, their noise attracted our boss Mr Seyi and by some other people around , and they came to settle the dispute, but Damola was adamant he insisted on fighting the guy, while that was going on the operation burst patrol van came in with some officers and many of people including Mr Seyi and his friends left the scene for their table.” “ One of the soldier in the operation burst team asked them to kneel down but Damola refuse to obey him so the soldier who identified Damola called him a trouble maker , and hit him on the head with the cain in his hand and he went down pretending as if he had fainted, they pour water on him , he had earlier told one of the people around to help him call his brothers and immediately he heard their voice he stood up and started shouting , pointing at the soldiers, Taiwo and Damola were the one dragging gun with the soldier, they wanted to take his gun but the man while trying to resist their effort shut into the air for about four times to resist them......Fatherluski is an innocent man... Thanks.. For reading and let share this post to help him prove his innocent Editor.. LOVE = EX. PTBW Read more @ www.sholsam.blogspot.com.ng
Friday, 5 January 2018
10 THINGS A MAN WILL DO ONLY IF HE LOVES YOU I believe that among many types of relationships we have today is easy to get confused and forget about the features that really add value to a relationship. When someone really cares about you and loves you because he loves you and not because expect something from the relationship that begins to develop, it takes a completely different tint: there is nothing forced, concern is honest and genuine and there are no hidden reasons to be or not be with that person. Tampering games are not present and is accepted that everything will have its time. When you finally meet a person who is able to love selflessly you realize that there's really not love like this one.
1. Never push you to do things you do not want.
Someone who truly loves you will always respect your decisions and will never push you to do things that are not for you, that could hurt you or you're not ready for.
2. He will listen carefully.
This person will not only pretend to listen but also will really hear you, understand what you say, what you think and give answers accordingly. Conversations often only become an exchange of words in which you wait for your turn to speak again, but with this person will never be like this.
3. He'll give you space for you to develop yourself as a person.
Part of love means never clip the wings of the other person nor take her needed personal space to keep developing as an individual.
4. He'll take care of you whatever that means.
Perhaps for him to care of you involves lying next to you and listening to you talking until you feel better, it may be leaving you alone for a weekend while you manage to understand and process what just happened in your life. Whatever it is, whoever loves you will respect it.
5. He'll embrace you only to prove you his love.
Physical contact goes to another level and although privacy is still important, often he'll want to touch you just to remind you how much he loves you and how important you are to him.
6. He'll write to you to remind you how much he misses you.
I do not mean your phone to be inundated with texts, but rather those little messages "have a nice day" or "I miss you" to remind you that wherever you are he's still thinking of you and wishing you the best.
7. He'll remember you during the day.
It is inevitable, it may not always be evident or not always tell you how much he dad you in his mind during the day, but if he loves you, you will always appear in one form or another in his thoughts.
8. He will help you in every possible thing.
He'll be there to support you with any kind of crisis, whether material, emotional or physical. He'll never choose to leave you alone when "not appropriate".
9. Always worry about what you feel and think.
He will worry about your thoughts, how you see the world and what you think. He'll want to know about your goals better and understand deeper of what moves you to act and live the way you live.
10. He'll love you the way you are.
If there is a sign of love that trumps all others, is this: when someone accepts you as you are, with virtues and defects, and does not ask you to change or to do things you would not do, they love you for who you are today and not for what will be in the future and feel blessed to be at your side.
The 7 things that makes every woman happy.
Magical Ways To Make A Woman Feel Like You Were The Most Wonderful Mate She Could Ever Imagine. When you know that you have found the perfect woman for you, you want to make sure that she feels the same way. You want her to be as happy with you as you are with her. In order to do this, you may want to figure out a way to make her know and understand that she has the most perfect mate for her. You will want to know what to say to her to make her realize that she has found her true love.
1, Say what is important to her.
The first thing that you want to do is find out what is important to her. Find out if she wants her man to coddle of her or give her more freedom. You do not want to seem too overbearing and crowd her. Tell her that she is important to you and that you want to make sure that she has what she needs. This is something that will make her feel good and know that you are the perfect mate for her.
2, Tell her that she looks nice.
The most important thing that a woman wants to hear is that she looks good. No matter where you are going or if you are sitting on the couch watching TV, you need to compliment her and tell her how wonderful she looks. This is the only way that you will be able to make her know and understand that you think she is a beautiful woman and she will think you are the most perfect mate in the world.
3, Ask her if she needs anything.
This is something that a lot of men forget to do. It is important that we take care of the woman in our lives as she takes care of us. When we get up to get a drink, ask her if she needs anything. You are going to the kitchen anyway, so what is the big deal? On your way home at night, ask her if you can bring her anything. This is a great way for a woman to know that you are sincere and quite possibly the most perfect man in the world for her.
4, Tell her you love her very much
These are the three little words that mean the most. When a woman is in love, it is important for her to know that the man she is in love with feels the same. If you do, you should make it known. Women love this. You should tell the woman of your dreams that you love her when she is least expecting it. Tell her in the middle of a movie, on the way to dinner or on an unexpected phone call from work. This will make a woman feel good and happy with their choice for the perfect man.
5, Romance her at the right time.
Do not be afraid to talk sweet things into her ear. Make the woman feel good by saying sweet and romantic things to her at any given time. You can say them when you are having a romantic dinner together or you can say them in a passionate moment. These words will make her heart flutter and she will know that she is in love.
6, Ask her how she is feeling.
This is something that is hard for any man to do. Asking a woman to share her feelings with them is not always easy. In fact this is something that can totally be hard for a man to do. However, if you find a woman that is perfect for you and you want to make her feel the same about you, you may have to suck it up a little. Sharing feelings with a woman is one way to ensure that the relationship is going in a good direction that both people can feel comfortable with.
7, Be honest with her.
When you want to impress a woman, you will have to be honest with her. Make sure that you are telling her the truth about what you want and how you feel. Tell her that you love her and that you think she is perfect for you. Sharing how you feel and that you want to be with her may be a great idea to bring the both of you closer. Tell her when you will be late and what you are doing. Do not keep secrets. This is some thing that most women will really appreciate and that a lot of men do not do in a relationship. When she knows that you are devoted to her, she will probably feel the same way and she will know that she has the right man to spend the rest of her life with.
Thursday, 4 January 2018
HOW TO Responded To Text From Strangers Without Running Lives Humanity is finally starting to realize that we dont need to make phone calls and leave voicemails like a bunch of animals. Instead, we've moved on to the more refined, less-social-anxiety-inducing text message. But with the rise of SMS comes a relatively new phenomenon: The misdirected text from a wrong number. It's a peculiar kind of power—don't abuse it.You see, the allure of the misdirected text is the wealth of options that follows. Do you tell this misinformed stranger the error of their ways? Do you ignore them? Or do you take advantage of this mercifully anonymous correspondence to feed into your voyeurism by playing along and/or wreaking havoc? Handling the misdirected text is a delicate art that, depending on your decision, can go in two very different directions—the not being an asshole way and the fun way. Here's how to choose wisely.
People You May Have Met Before
Depending on how bad your memory/tendency to drink until your body secretes poison is, there may have been times where you've looked at your phone only to find that the string of numbers saying words at you might actually be an acquaintance.
Maybe you simply forgot to save their number in a moment of distraction. Maybe you were standing on top of the bar upending bottles of liquor and chanting your phone number—it's impossible to know. The point is, this person may or may not be someone you want to maintain ties with, so handle with care. Because there's no bigger slap in the face than the ol' "Sorry, all my contacts were mysteriously deleted somehow! Who is this again?" You filthy liar.
Usually from the text's content, though, you'll be able to tell fairly quickly whether or not this is someone you actually want and/or need to be in contact with.
Whatever you do, don't just ignore them. That's when you run into a situation like my friend Chloe's:
When in doubt, just write back. A simple "sorry, I think you have the wrong number" should (hopefully) suffice. But if things start really getting out of hand, you can call your service provider and have that particular number blocked, usually free of charge.
Definite Strangers: Let 'Em Down Easy
Out of all the ways to handle a misdirected text, politely letting the offending party know what happened is unquestionably the kindest route you can take. They'll either apologize and immediately cut ties (boooooring), or open up a gyre of uncertainty and insecurities (fun!). So should you choose the noble route, be ready to handle the consequences. Like our very own Chris Mascari was: For the most part, though, times like these are rare. It's more likely that your mysterious texter will find him or herself mortified and either send a brief apology or stop responding altogether. That's right; it is possible to be just as helpful and/or encouraging without spiraling into a deep hole of feelings. Whether your new friend finds out their mistake on their own or hears it straight from you, it will always feel nice to know that someone out there is rooting for you, Be it regarding a new pregnancy or how one gets there in the first place.
Definite Strangers: Screw With Them
So it's come to this. You're positive you don't know this person, so you decide this is a prime opportunity to teach him or her a lesson about thorough contact-entering and attention to detail—more colloquially known as being a dick. Fine, follow your heart. But it's important to be aware that A) there's a human being with real feelings on the other end; B) you have no idea what condition their mental state might be in; and C) keeping B in mind, they have your phone numberSome of these little text pranks can be (mostly) harmless, like my friend Katherine's below. But when you're receiving messages of the "why is there another girl's bra in our bed" and the "hey come help me bury the body" variety, maybe best to take a few steps back. So as you can see, there is no perfect response. But by using context clues, gauging the temperament of the messenger, and looking inwardly to discover how much of an asshole you really are, there are ways to minimize your losses—and more importantly, theirs. Of course, you do always have the option of ridding yourself of your phone altogether. After all, abstinence is the only 100 percent effective method against unwanted texts. But then where's the fun in that?
Tuesday, 2 January 2018
Lover boy&Drey
4 Ways To Build Trust Over For Friendship
Actively Listen
Being a good listener helps build trust because it shows the prospect that you are actually…well…listening to them! Nothing is worse than being ignored, especially from someone who is supposed to be helping you solve your problems.
Actively listen to your prospects and customers. Repeat back what they tell you and confirm that you understand them. Never interrupt them, even if what they are saying is incorrect. Take notes at appropriate scenarios. Ask follow up questions based on what they tell you. By doing this, the prospect will feel as if they are being listened to, which will allow them to open up and tell you more.
Build your own Credibility
A huge component in building trust is building your own credibility in the eyes of the prospect. This means that the more of a subject matter expert that you are, the more the prospect will trust your recommendations. Essentially, by showing the prospect that you are the authority in your industry, they will be more open to buying from you.
A real-life example can be found in the “Science in Persuasion” video by psychologist Robert Cialdini. Cialdini gives the example of how a real estate agency applied this principle to its business by instructing its receptionists to mention to callers the length of experience of its real estate agents before putting them through. This resulted in a significant increase in contracts that were written. Nothing changed here except the prospect felt as if they were talking to a credible source, which increases trust.
Don’t be overly bragging about your accomplishments. had a colleague who would tell prospects that he was the absolute expert at helping potential clients with their first-time purchase because he was the most knowledgeable about the program. It was a simple statement that built an immense level of trust.
Use Testimonials and 3rd Party Stories
People look towards their peers for help and advice on whether they should do something or not. Yelp and TripAdvisor have become immensely popular because people want to hear from other people who have been in similar situations.
While you probably cannot bring in some of your clients to provide positive testimonials right there on the spot, you can always tell their stories. Relating a similar story to a prospect’s situation can often be the deciding factor if a prospect trusts you and your company or not.
Never Lie
Your reputation will always precede you. Your trustworthiness can be demolished before you even walk through the door if you lie to a prospect and the word spreads like wildfire. The best way to avoid this is to simply not lie. Lying will never help your situation. It will harm your reputation, hurt your brand and your company, and will essentially be a major factor in whether or not a prospect will even listen to you.
Trust is key when working on the phone and is often the element that separates out those who are successful from those who fail. Try out the above methods for building trust with
Success Nwogu, Ilorin
The Acting General Manager, Kwara State Community and Social Development Agency, Alhaji Yahaya Ahmed, says the agency has accessed over N600m from the World Bank for community and social development projects.
He added that the grant was facilitated through the mandatory payment of N50m by the state government in 2015.
Ahmed said if another N50m approved by Governor Abdulfatah Ahmed of Kwara State in December was cash-backed, the agency could access about N800m from the World Bank for projects.
He spoke with journalists in Ilorin, the Kwara State capital, on Thursday on the sidelines of the presentation of cheques to 16 communities in the state.
The benefiting communities, according to him, are Igbo-Owu, Ahun, Owode-Ofaro, Ijomu-Oro, Idi-Ose, Gulufu, Gedeworo, Ifedawapo, Oke-Agbede, Oloro-Oja, Eleko, Elega, and Aladere Magaji.
He listed other benefitting communities to include: Lata-Nna, Oluode-Aluwo and Oke-Atan.
He stated that the benefiting communities were in Ifelodun, Irepodun, Moro, Edu, Ilorin West, Asa, Patigi, Offa and Oyun Local Government Areas.