Eyewitnesses, guard speaks on Pete’s bar Incident, absolves club owner of Killing Kehinde Adeleke in Ibadan
All what people have been saying against this man is totally false... He can't do such thing like they he's nice man wonderful man cool man indeed... He always stay out of trouble and he's a smart man indeed .. He's a family oriented man.. He's a friend man he help people whenever you seek for his help.... He's a sexy and handsome man.... He can't kill a ant talk less of woman being... Let just sit our self and think about this issue... This case is just to blackmail him.. They know he's a victory man a man of ambition, motivation, he played whenever it's time for him to play and he did not joke with his work have never seen a man like that... He loves all his works and his customers he doesn't joke with his customers he treat them right because he believes customers are always right just like a proverb said.... He's popular man due his work most people love and care for him due to his behavior.. He's a nice Man wonderful man....theallegation of murder leveled againstthe club owner Seyi, popularly known as (Fatherluski ) by the deceased twin brother known has Taiwo Adeleke, is totally a false.. The security guard (Alade Samuel) who speaks on behalf of his boss (Fatherluski )says it was around 8:00 pm when Damola and another customer were fighting over parking lot, their noise attracted our boss Mr Seyi and by some other people around , and they came to settle the dispute, but Damola was adamant he insisted on fighting the guy, while that was going on the operation burst patrol van came in with some officers and many of people including Mr Seyi and his friends left the scene for their table.” “ One of the soldier in the operation burst team asked them to kneel down but Damola refuse to obey him so the soldier who identified Damola called him a trouble maker , and hit him on the head with the cain in his hand and he went down pretending as if he had fainted, they pour water on him , he had earlier told one of the people around to help him call his brothers and immediately he heard their voice he stood up and started shouting , pointing at the soldiers, Taiwo and Damola were the one dragging gun with the soldier, they wanted to take his gun but the man while trying to resist their effort shut into the air for about four times to resist them......Fatherluski is an innocent man... Thanks.. For reading and let share this post to help him prove his innocent Editor.. LOVE = EX. PTBW Read more @ www.sholsam.blogspot.com.ng